*FHK Safari

'Fontys school for fine arts'

FHK Safari explores the world between the digital and the fysical. The Fontys School for Fine Arts can be seen as a city.

A digital Safari tour is made by it’s citizens to discover the city both physically and digitally.

The safari tour is created by students and intended for new students. Additionally, distant foreign students can also experience the safari tour through a VR experience


a project by Danny van der Laan | Lex Hildenbrant

commissioned by Fontys Hogeschool voor de Kunsten

status | www.fhksafari.nl | 2017

up | illustration route FHK Safari, a digital 3d map in which the Safari can be explored

*Examples of 3d VR short movies made by interdisciplinary student teams to introduce their disciplines connected with specific parts of the building thru the Safari map.


*Copyright 2024